‘Adventure around picturesque Rolwaling Valley to glacial lake Tsho Rolpa’


“Walk into beautiful scenic Rolwaling valley enclosed by array of high snow peaks  Adventure from green hills to verdant valley ending at arctic zone of ice, glaciers Explore the hidden corners of Tsho Rolpo one of the largest highest lakes of Nepal Daily views of dramatic landscapes of rolling hills, snow peaks of Central Himalaya Enjoy walk around lovely villages enriched with age-old traditions and culture”

Best seasons for Tsho Rolpa & Rolwaling Valley Trekking:

The best time for this beautiful trek and climb is the mid-spring and autumn seasons, spring from March to May, and autumn/fall begins from September to November months. Springtime from March to May will be much lively with wild flowers in seasonal bloom, especially the magnolia and rhododendrons the national flower of Nepal.

March to May fine clear day most of the time, with longer sun-light hours but can get overcast in the late afternoon with chances of snow sometimes on high altitude areas as well on passes. Autumn / Falls another best time for this trek with a fine clear day for views and walks. But days are short with sun-light hours that can drop to freezing temperatures around higher altitudes, especially in the morning, and night times will be clear with bright starry nights. Chances of snow on tracks above 3,000 m higher, as well on passes.

 Religion and Culture:

The high Rolwaling Valley is populated by Sherpa people the mountain tribes of Nepal and the highlanders of Eastern Himalayas. The Sherpa follows strong Buddhism religion and age-old culture similar to Tibetan, on this trek you will notice traditionally built houses, where every home is adorned with Buddhist prayer flags and monuments.

As you encounter prayer walls and Stupa, where walking clockwise will be the right way to respect the local culture, around the Rolwaling area. On this trek visit the monasteries of Simi-Gaon and Beding village.


Tsho Rolpa & Rolwaling Valley Trekking, an adventure of two-week duration takes you to high and picturesque Rolwaling valley. Located North of Dolakha district within Central Himalaya in the close shadow of towering Mt. Gaurishankar 7, 145 m. Includes Melung Tse / Jobo Garee 7, 181 m with Kang Nachugo 6, 735 m with an array of high peaks. Tsho Rolpo & Rolwaling Valley Trekking, although a high altitude walk where all age-group can join on this scenic adventure. A safe trek with enough time to get acclimatize, as elevation gains gradually on this wonderful adventurous journey. Besides glorious views of high snow-capped peaks, the colorful culture, customs of high altitude villages are equally fascinating. The walk takes you around lovely villages of an immense culture of Buddhism heritage with time to marvel at the wonderful scenery. The main highlight of the adventure is the glacial Lake of Tsho Rolpo, located at the end of the scenic Rolwaling valley. Tsho Rolpa, one of the largest lakes in Nepal Himalayas at above of 4, 580 m / 15, 030 feet. The word Tsho means lake in the Sherpa language of Tibetan origin and Rolpa relates to the area of Rolwaling. Tsho Rolpa extends to the length of 3.45 m and 2. 14 miles with a depth of 55 meters. Adventure to Tsho Rolpo & Rolwaling Valley Trekking begins with an exciting drive from Kathmandu heading due east towards Dolakha district. After ending the drive at a small farm village of Gongar, situated by the Tama Kosi River. Trek begins on leaving the low warm sub-tropical farm country heading north, climb leads to first Sherpa village at Simi-Gaon. From here onward towards high hills covered in a lovely forest of tall rhododendron, magnolia, firs, and pine trees. As the walk progress reaching above tree lines to enter the magnificent Rolwaling Valley at Beding, the last permanent village. Beding, located at the entrance of a wide and beautiful Rolwaling valley enclosed by an array of peaks with majestic Mt. Gaurishankar. A perfect place for a rest day, as well as to explore around the lovely village inhabited by the indigenous Sherpa tribe. The Sherpa’s are known as highlanders of Eastern Himalayas, one of the best mountaineers born and bred around high mountains. At Beding explore the village adorned with age-old traditions and heritage of strong Buddhism similar to its early Tibetan predecessors. The Sherpa community of Rolwaling has traditionally been based on farming and livestock herding high-altitude animals like Yaks. After a wonderful rest day for acclimatization, adventure heads towards the North-East at the end of the Rolwaling valley rim. Walk on a scenic trail on a wide valley that extends towards our destination and highlight at Tsho Rolpa. The route leads to a temporary settlement of Yak herder at Na-Gaon, the place has grown over the years. This beautiful region is slowly gaining popularity among trekkers and mountaineers, as this area offers various adventures. Rolwaling valley is famous for peak climbing as well as for traverse towards Khumbu around Everest crossing high Amphu Labtsa-La high pass. From Na-Gaon on leaving the last human settlement, the adventure leads to the far hidden corner of Rolwaling valley at Kabuk. Where serene Tsho Rolpa is located right beneath towering Kang Nachugo that rises high 6, 735 m. Enjoy the rest day exploring around simmering large Tsho Rolpa, one of the biggest high-altitude glacial lakes of Nepal. Tsho Rolpa is located within a dramatic landscape enclosed within giant peaks, glaciers, and rocky moraine, an absolute mountain wilderness. On achieving our goal, reaching our major highlight of the adventure, return journey on the same scenic route. Walk downhill back to low warm farm country near Tama Kosi River, from here an interesting drive to Kathmandu. To conclude our marvelous journey, after an enjoyable and mesmerizing adventure to Tsho Rolpo & Rolwaling Valley Trekking.   Outline Itinerary: Day 01:          Arrival in Kathmandu 1,345 m and transfer to respective Hotels Day 02:          Kathmandu with sightseeing tour, trek briefing and preparations. Day 03:          Drive to Gongar 1,400 m via Charikot- 06 hours. Day 04:          Trek to Simi-Gaon 2,000 m - 05 hours. Day 05:          Trek to Dovan 2,500 m - 06 hours. Day 06:          Trek to Beding 3, 693 m - 05 hours. Day 07:          Rest day for acclimatization and short hikes. Day 08:          Trek to Na-Gaon 4,180 m - 04 hours. Day 09:          Trek to Kabuk at Tsho Rolpa 4, 560 m - 05 hours. Day 10:          Rest day to explore around the hidden areas of Rolwaling valley. Day 11:          Trek back to Na Gaon - 05 hrs. Day 12:          Trek to Beding Gaon - 04 hrs. Day 13:          Trek to Dovan - 05 hrs. Day 14:          Trek to Simi-Gaon - 05 hrs. Day 15:          Trek to Gongor with afternoon free. Day 16:          Drive back to Kathmandu - 06 hrs. Day 17:          Free day in Kathmandu for individual activities. Day 18:          International departure for homeward bounds.


On arrival at Kathmandu and Nepal International Airport, received by our guides and staff for short transfer to your hotels in the hub of Kathmandu city.

Checking your lovely room, and after a refreshing rest join with other members of
Tsho Rolpa & Rolwaling Valley Trekking. Our guide or group leader brief you about the treks, do’s and don’ts, local culture, as well camping, foods and of lodges on route trek.

A full good information which will help to enjoy your adventure with us, followed with welcome group dinner in a Nepalese restaurant with folk-culture program as entertainment while you enjoy the dinner.

Morning after breakfast at given time, our city guide will meet for interesting sightseeing of best world heritage sites around Kathmandu.

Tour includes old Durbar (royal palace and courtyard) square, with Temple of Kumari (Living young virgin Goddess). Visit famous Nepal landmark Swayambhunath Stupa a 2,500 years old, a Buddhist Stupa with all seeing eyes of Lord Buddha. Afternoon tour of holy Hindu Temple of Pashupatinath and visit Bouddhanath, Asia’s largest Stupa with four cardinals eyes of Buddha surrounded with prayer wheels and small market, this place is also known as Little Tibet due to strong Tibetan influence.

After an exciting day tour back to hotel for Trek preparation with last minute briefing from your leader and guide.

Rolwaling Valley and Pachermo climb with Tashi Lapcha Pass adventure begins with an exciting drive on Kathmandu-Jiri highway, an interesting journey around Himalayan mid-hills. As drive heads to Charikot and Dolakha towns to reach the base of Rolwaling high hills at Gongar, a small farm village near to Tama Kosi River, flows from the glacial source Mt. Gaurishankar and bordering mountains of Nepal and Tibet. First overnight camp around this small village close the river with time to get refreshed before dinner prepared by our camping cook and staff.

Morning after a good breakfast cross over Tama Kosi River within a narrow gorge to Chetchet with views of beautiful waterfalls, as climb leads to cooler hills on leaving low warm area with rice paddy fields.
After an hour climb to reach at alpine hills for overnight camp at Simi-Gaon village populated with Sherpa tribes, a nice farm village with farm terraces growing corns, potatoes, wheat’s, barley and millets, afternoon at leisure visit an old monastery facing views of Mt. Gaurishankar and Melung-Tse peak.

Adventure continues towards North East as walk leads past farm terraces and into lovely forest of rhododendron, oaks, magnolia, and pine trees. Continue walk with climb to a hill top and then descend past grazing areas of local herders with small temporary built up shades and huts at a small place Gyalche.
From this peaceful area within forest, an hour walk to overnight camp at Dovan, located by the river flows from the glacier of high Jugal mountain range.
Overnight camp at Dovan a small settlement in the amidst forest surroundings a place with few houses.

Start the morning crossing Rolwaling Khola (stream) then climb into a forested area, as route winds up to Nyimare and Ramding farm a temporary settlements of cattle herders. Walk continues with climb and then ending lovely day walk on reaching Beding village for overnight camp.
Beding village highly populated by Sherpa as well the last permanent village around Rolwaling Valley, the village placed on a high hill above the river with an old monastery and a primary school built by Hillary Trust and Foundation.

Enjoy a rest day at Beding a perfect place and right altitude for acclimatization before heading towards higher region at Tsho Rolpo. Take a short hike and climb to a hill for best views of Jugal Himal with Gaurishankar and Melung Tse, the main close peaks of the area.

From here onward within beautiful Rolwaling valley, a short day walks as trek heads further east facing grand views of Mt. Gaurishankar 7,145 m and Melung Tse peak also called Jobo Garee 7,181 m. After Beding village up-hill walk facing views of snow-capped peaks, the grand scenery follows to Na-Gaon, with close view of Ramdung-Go 5,925 m, Chukyima-Go 6,259 m and Tabayabyum 5,558 m with Yalung Ri peak at 5,630 m.
Finally morning walk completes by lunch time at Na Gaon, located on a wide glacial Rolwaling valley that ends into a mountain wall.
Na Gaon, a temporary settlement of Beding Yak and cattle herders a grazing pasture fields, where local grows potatoes, wheat’s and barley as they stay during summer during grazing season, afternoon relax and explore around this beautiful area.

After a pleasant overnight in Na-Gaon, from here adventure takes you to complete mountain wilderness, as walk heads at the end of Rolwaling Valley. Morning starts crossing an icy stream and then following a trail to Yarsa and Sangma, the last temporary shelters of Yak herders.
Crossing a wooden bridge climb to a moraine, traverse with steep up to reach a terminal moraine, close to the dam of Tsho Rolpa glacial lake.
The lake also known as Cho or Tsho Pokhari, the word Tsho a Sherpa name for lake in Tibetan origin language. Overnight camp is placed on a sandy level ground southern side of Tsho Rolpa, this area is also called Kabuk.
After getting organize in tented camp, afternoon enjoy lunch with grand views of Kang Nachugo 6, 735 m, Tsoboje 6,689 m and Dragker-Go peaks 6,793 m with array of snow-mountains that surrounds this isolated hidden spot.

Enjoy the free day with leisure walk and hike around Tsho Rolpa that extends to the length of 3.45 m / 2. 14 miles, a glacial lake of 55 meters deep, Tsho Rolpo fed from the glaciers of various close snow-capped peaks. For energetic person can hike up to Drolambu ice-fall. A steady climb takes you to the lowest point of the icefall and then climb at the point to reach near Drolambu glacier close to the base of high Tashi Labtsa pass on route to Khumbu around west of Everest region.

After an enjoyable adventure with overnight camp around remote corners of Rolwaling Valley, an easy walk back to Na-Gaon for overnight camp as well for lunch stop.

Retrace the journey to Beding village on downhill most of the way, enjoy the walk along with glorious scenery of high peaks that surrounds this beautiful valley.
Slowly ending the morning walk at Beding for overnight stop, after lunch enjoy the afternoon exploring around this high scenic country and the village.

From here onward of few hours of pleasant walk reaching back into tall tree lines and then down to river side at Dovan for overnight stop, within a lovely surroundings of green woodland.

Enjoy the walk around high hills of Rolwaling area, and to the last village of Sherpa at Simi-Gaon. A short climb to a ridge top within dense forest, and then a long downhill to Simi-Gaon for last overnight camp.

An easy walk for an hour on level path past farm areas, and then downhill to Tama Kosi River gorge with waterfalls close to the bridge, ending the long descend and over the bridge and then set up the last camp of the adventure above the river.

Last day around the farm areas of Mid-East Nepal and around the district of Dolakha in the shade of Mt. Gaurishankar. Morning clearing the camp and then on board in a vehicles for exciting drive past many farmlands, villages and towns as drive heads past a nice town of Charikot, then downhill on the main Kathmandu-Lhasa Highway. Following Bhote Kosi River to Dolalghat town, as ride heads up to Dhulikhel a hill town famous for grand panorama of snow mountain range. From Dhulikhel an hour drive to Kathmandu, and then check into your hotels. Afternoon free at leisure after an enjoyable and great adventure at Tsho Rolpo and Rolwaling Valley Trekking.

A free day in Kathmandu, after a great fantastic adventure around Rolwaling valley, relax or join or join in for another tour around Kathmandu-Patan and Bhaktapur or enjoy individual activities.

Last day in Nepal as per your international flight time, our staff and guide transfer you to the airport for homeward bound. After a great time and adventure around Tsho Rolpa and Rolwaling valley trekking.

Cost Includes

  • All arrival and departure from the airport to hotel and back on private cars, coach or buses as per the group size.
  • Accommodation in tourist standard or 2-3 star class hotels on bed and breakfast basis as well in twin sharing basis rooms. (For single supplement at extra cost)
  • Tour and sightseeing around Kathmandu as per the itinerary chosen with city guides includes all entrance fees at places of interest.
  • Domestic air flights as per the itinerary chosen, some with overland drive to reach at the start of treks and on the end, where chartered bus-cars or coach included as per group size.
  • Full board on trekking with breakfast-lunch-afternoon refreshment with dinner includes twin sharing rooms in lodge on route treks and long tours.
  • Applicable Trekking Information Management Systems permits (TIMS) with Conservation or National Park permits.
  • All tour and treks accompanied by guides-staff and porters (either human or pack animals like yaks or mules), all wages, meals, accommodation, transportation facilities with Insurance against medical and accidents.
  • In some high altitude treks we provide sleeping bags and down jackets also with comprehensive medical kits carried by our guides and staff.
  • Sleeping bags, and down jackets might include depending upon trip cost.
  • First Aid and Comprehensive Medical Kit carried by our guides on all treks and climb.

Cost Excludes

  • International air-fare, Personal medical / travel insurance and Nepal visa fees.
  • Expenses of individual nature drinks, laundry, telephone bills, gratitude and meals in city areas Kathmandu and Pokhara as per the itinerary chosen.
  • On treks, laundry, recharge of electronic items and hot-showers.
  • Personal Trekking-Climbing gear and equipment’s including down jackets-sleeping bags . if not provided by the company as per the trip cost.
  • Single Supplement on hotel rooms as well on trek in lodge where clients should inform ahead on booking with extra charge on booking single private rooms where available.
  • Emergency evacuation by any means of transportations including immediate Helicopter services if required on accidents, sickness and personal problems.
  • Early return from the tour or treks will not be entertainment with refund, where client should borne all the expenses incurred including accompany guide-porters services.
  • Gratitude / Tipping at the end of treks and climbs.

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