
Mt. Makalu Mountaineering Expedition is one of the most exciting adventures that one can experience in the whole Himalayan region.
A technical mountain to climb on top of a black rock pyramid-shaped peak, hence the name Mt. Makalu. Located around Khumbukarna Himalayan range towards Far North East Nepal, towers high in between Mt. Everest and Mt. Kanchenjunga.
Mt. Makalu stands as the world’s 5th highest peak at 8,463 m / 27,766 feet high. The first successful ascent was by French Expedition on May 15th, 1955, and since then the mountain is seldom climbed. Where success rate is quite low than other 8,000 meters peaks, listed as the toughest peaks to conquer.
However, in recent years various national mountaineers have reached the summit, despite its tough and challenging route to the summit.
Besides the exciting mountaineering adventure, the trek to Makalu base camp is equally fascinating. The trail follows from low warm sub-tropical farm areas of Tumlingtar and Arun River valley. Then heading higher to cooler green hills reaching the last permanent village of Tashi-Gaon, the home of highlanders, the Sherpa’s. From the Tashi-Gaon onwards into pure Mountain Wilderness, as climb leads to a steep up through the beautiful forest. Enchanting woodland lined with tall rhododendron, pines, firs, and fir trees, reaching high Khoma Danda.
A high ridge facing the grand vista of Kanchenjunga towards the east with Baruntse Himal and Mt. Makalu in the North. The walk follows the ridge crossing the smaller pass of Keke-La and Shipton-La above 4,000 m and past glacial ponds.
Then enter the scenic Barun Valley, enclosed within giant snow peaks and rocky high cliff walls. Where tree lines slowly disappear on moving higher ground to the end of a valley at Mt. Makalu Base Camp. Where our adventure starts at the picturesque spot at Makalu Base Camp, close to Baruntse, Chumling, and Changtse Himal.
At Makalu Base Camp have a few days for acclimatization and preparations as well as to study the route of the climb. We have 20 full days for the ascent to the summit of Mt. Makalu.
Where all members, guides, and staff will be engrossed for more than a week ferrying loads of gear and food. To store at respective higher camps, to make the climb safe and successful requires a maximum of four camps.
Beside Base Camp at 5, 250 m / 17,224 feet high, a perfect height for acclimatization. As well as for exercise and practice climbing activities and surveying the route of the climb.
After climbing up and down carrying provisions to various higher camps up to the last final Camp IV. Which is above 7,800 m / 25, 590 feet high close to the towering summit of Mt. Makalu.
On completing all the endeavors storing gear and food, and checking the route of the climb. The leader or guide will decide on the final summit bid, then start the adventure. Climbing from the North-West route and following the lead guide, and taking care of technical sections. After a few days of steady climb reach the summit of the world’s 5th highest Mt. Makalu. Enjoy the stunning panorama of giant peaks that surrounds the top, overlooking Mt. Everest’s rare Khangsung East Face. Includes an array of snow-capped peaks, with spectacular views of Eastern Nepal landscapes and across the border towards Tibet, China.
On completing the climb, feeling on top of the world back to base camp for the return journey to low mid-hills. Walk amidst the beautiful Barun Valley with a climb to Kongma Danda and then a long descent to Seduwa village. Finally, the trek ends with the last climb to Num for an exciting drive to Tumlingtar Town.
A short scenic flight brings you back to Kathmandu, after an overwhelming adventure and experience on Mt. Makalu Mountaineering Expedition.

Outline Itinerary:
Day 01: Arrive in Kathmandu and transfer to hotel.
Day 02-03:Free day in Kathmandu in preparation for the Makalu expedition.
Day 04: Fly to Tumlingtar 950 m overnight in a local lodge.
Day 05: Drive to Num 1,500 m – 05 hours overnight in a local lodge.
Day 06: Trek to Seduwa 1,493 m – 05 hours.
Day 07: Trek to Tashi Gaon 2,200 m – 04 hours.
Day 08: At Tashi Gaon rest with local hike and preparations.
Day 09: Trek to Khoma Danda 3,500 m – 05 hours
Day 10: Trek to Mumbuk 3,570 m – 06 hours.
Day 11: Trek to Nehe Kharka 3,750 m – 06 hours.
Day 12: Trek to Makalu Base Camp 5,250 m -06 hrs.
Day 13-14:At Base Camp.
Day 15-34: (20 days) Expeditions period for the climb to Makalu summit.
Day 35:Back to Base Camp.
Day 36: Clean up and pack the end of expeditions.
Day 37: Trek to Nehe or Yangri Kharka 3,645 m – 06 hours.
Day 38: Trek to Mumbuk – 05 hours.
Day 39: Trek to Khoma Ridge – 05 hours.
Day 40: Trek to Nawa Gaon 2,500 m via Tashi Gaon -06 hours
Day 41: Trek to Num via Seduwa – 04 hours.
Day 42: Drive to Tumlingtar via Khandbari for 3-4 hours.
Day 43: Fly back to Kathmandu and transfer to the hotel.
Day 44-45:In Kathmandu rest and submit a report to the concerned department.
Day 46: International departures for homeward bound.

Trip Highlights

  • “An adventure from low warm sub-tropical to arctic zone of ice and glaciers. Enjoy the scenic country walks around nice traditional farm mid-hill villages. Dramatic changes of climate, vegetation and landscapes throughout the trek. Adventure around Arun and scenic Barun valleys enriched with exotic flora-fauna. Climb to the summit of world’s 5th highest Mt. Makalu with panoramic scenery.”


On arrival at Kathmandu Tribhuvan International Airport, the Brown Bear Trail guide and staff receive you with a warm welcome. A short transfer to your hotels in the heart of Kathmandu city. After checking into your rooms, and getting refreshed our guide briefs with information regarding Mt. Makalu Expeditions.
Includes information on hotels, lodge while trekking, and climbing with do and don’ts with welcome dinner.

We have reserved two free days in Kathmandu to relieve you from jetlag with long flights, on this day options for sightseeing tour around world heritage sites within Kathmandu visiting Old Durbar (palace) Square, and ancient stupa of Swayambhunath, after a tour head back to hotel with preparations for
Mt. Makalu Expedition.
Second day in Kathmandu optional tour and expeditions preparations and group briefing from our lead guide and team leader, on this day completing all formal documentations for the climb of Mt. Makalu and packing.

Morning transfer to Kathmandu domestic airport for scenic flight to Tumlingtar to start the adventure to Makalu expeditions with panorama array of snowcapped peaks from Ganesh-Langtang-Jugal Himal, Gaurishankar and Mt. Everest with Nuptse, Lhotse, Makalu after this short flight of 40 minutes reaching at Tumlingtar in the warm sub-tropical area, located on a plateau above Arun River with views of Mt. Makalu., overnight in local simple lodge with time to explore the town around Tumlingtar bazaar area.

From Tumlingtar starting the morning with a scenic and interesting drive,
towards cooler mid-hills past farm villages and Khandbari. A large town and headquarters of Sankhuwa Sabha district of Makalu areas. The drive continues on a hilly ridge of muddy road, heading up to Chinchilla village. Facing grand views of
Mt. Makalu, the drive continues to long descend to Num village for overnight halt.
Num is slowly developing into a town due to newly built motorable road, enjoy the views of surrounding beautiful landscapes. Includes views of Jaljala Himal and Makalu, rest of the day unpacking the load and gear for the trek next morning.

After a pleasant morning, having breakfast our first-day walk starts with a downhill to a bridge, above the raging Arun River. After the bridge, climb towards farm fields past the small villages of Runmura for a possible lunch break. Afternoon walks uphill to Seduwa village for an overnight stop. A small farm village with a primary school and a small health post. Facing views of Num across the ridge with other adjoining hills of Bhojpur and Jaljala rocky peaks.

From Seduwa village, the morning walk leads on an undulating winding trail to Tashi Gaon. The last permanent village before heading towards Makalu base camp,
Tashi-Gaon is populated by the highlanders of the Eastern Himalayas, the Sherpa people. The trail follows through farm areas and a terrace of millet, a major crop after rice, and wheat. A short half-day walk reaches you at Tashi Gaon for lunch and overnight camp. An afternoon with time to explore the village around, which is quite interesting. The Sherpa of this area is quite different to Khumbu highlanders.

Today a free day at Tashi-Gaon provides excellent rest and preparation for the onward journey to Barun Valley and Makalu base camp. On this free day porters and camping staff can reorganize their luggage and buy some fresh seasonal vegetables and other food products available at Tashi-Gaon or the nearby village of Nava-Gaon.

Morning on leaving the last village of Tashi Gaon, morning walks leads on gradual path. Entering dense forest of rhododendron, oaks and tall pines trees past many cattle herder’s temporary shelters of stone huts. After few hours of pleasant walk stopping for lunch on the grassy meadow and summer pasture ground.
Afternoon walk leads to steep climb for few hours to the top of Khoma Danda ridge top. Where tall trees gives away for smaller rhododendron and juniper bushes and small birch trees. From Khoma enjoy grand views of Kanchenjunga mountain range and of Mt. Makalu with adjoining peaks.
From here onwards within complete wilderness for a month before the climb is completed. Overnight camp is set on a high ridge of Khoma Danda, overlooking superb views of snow-clad peaks.

The morning walk starts from Khoma Danda following a ridge line on the gradual path with few ups and down. Then coming across the glacial ponds of Thulo Pokhari (big pond) and Sano Pokhari (small pond). Reaching the area on crossing Tutu-la and Shipton-la passes, at above 4, 200 meters. From here downhill back into the forest reaching Mumbuk for overnight camp, amidst a beautiful forest of rhododendron and pine trees.

From Mumbuk onwards downhill to scenic Barun valley, enriched with rare flora and fauna species of vegetation-plants and herbs. Includes endangered wild-life, like Himalayan Brown Bear, Snow Leopard, Musk Deer and Leopards with different species of birds. Walk down-hill for an hour to cross a small stream and enter Barun valley. The walk leads on pleasant trail through many Yak herder’s shelters, and towards a small Buddhist Gompa (monastery). After a good walk of more than five hours reaching Nehe Kharka for overnight camp within scenic Barun valley.

Having a pleasant overnight at Nehe Kharka, morning walk from Barun valley leads to Shearson towards the end of Barun valley. Close to Makalu base camp, an exciting trek as today’s trail leads you to our main goal and highlight.
The walk leads with slow climb crossing several streams facing views of
Mt. Makalu and Baruntse Himal. After hours of steady walk reaching Shearson, the last place with few vegetation of bushes and shrubs.
Enjoy a refreshing break, and continue walk up on rocky moraine to reach Makalu Base Camp. A wild mountainous areas with a small lodge serving as Tea-House for trekkers. Where our camp is set on the best available ground beneath the towering South East Face of Mt. Makalu.

Enjoy two free days at Makalu Base camp for acclimatization and preparation for onward adventure. Overlooking grand views of Mt. Makalu and Baruntse Himal with peak IV. Apart from heavy preparation sorting out the climbing gear, having time for optional hike. As well facing views of Mt. Everest and its rare Khansung East face with Lhotse.

We have reserved twenty full days to complete the adventurous climb to the summit of Mt. Makalu. A week or more busy ferrying the loads to upper higher camps and making suitable camps en-route. The first camp is at 6,100 meters,
the second is at 6,500 meters, the third is located at 7400 meters.
The last fourth camp at 7, 800 meters, which is just below 100 m from the summit of Mt. Makalu. Of more than two and less than three weeks, allows climbers and high altitude guide; moving to and from high camp and having time at base camp.
The final ascent to the summit of Mt. Makalu, is made by the leader and head guide. Depending upon the health of all members as well with perfect favorable weather condition.
As the Big Day is declared for the summit bid, climb on rocky ledges, with icy tracks. Taking time after spending overnights on each high camp, then from the Camp IV. Our true adventure reaches you on top world’s 5th highest Mt. Makalu, enjoy the breathtaking views. The top encircled by an array of snow peaks, overlooking Mt. Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse in the west with Baruntse and Chumling Himal at close distance. Facing Mt. Kanchenjunga towards Far Eastern direction with views of Tibet / China landscapes. After a great climb and triumph descend with care to base camp for return journey.

After a great success conquest of Mt. Makalu, we have reserved two days for safe descend to base camp, as well clearing up above camps, on these two days all the climbing members and staffs should be at the Base Camp for return journey and packing.

At base camp with final packing and checking on members health and fitness, a necessary day for the cleanup at the Base Camp. Leaving nothing except for your footprints, carry the garbage to nearest proper disposal sites.

Retrace the journey back on the Barun valley to Neh or Yangri Kharka enclosed with high mountain cliffs and views of cascading waterfalls after a descend reaching the overnight camp at Yak herders temporary summer grazing place at Yangri or Neh Kharka.

After a wonderful time at Barun valley, today walks leaving the last of this valley with a climb to reach back to dense forest and to Mumbuk for overnight camp.

On the same trail back to Khoma ridge morning walk with a climb for an hour or more through forest on reaching the hill top ridge leaving the tree lines, and passing the ponds and over Tutu la and Shipton la reaching at Khoma ridge for overnight camp.

Morning walk heading downhill and back to thick forest and tree lines reaching back to villages and farm fields. From Tashi-Gaon having lunch, afternoon enjoy walk, taking different higher route to Nawa-Gaon village, for overnight stop.
A lovely Sherpa village where you can witness local cultures of the Sherpa Community.

From Nawa-Gaon morning walk leads to easy descend to Seduwa, after a short rest, continue downhill to cross a bridge. Enjoy the last steep climb for few hours to Num village for last overnight around the hills of Makalu.

After a wonderful time on the high cooler hills and mountains, from Num morning an interesting drive uphill to Chinchilla village. Facing grand views of Makalu and Baruntse Himal, downhill drive to Khandbari town. From here an hour downhill to Tumlingtar for last overnight stop in the comfort of a nice lodge.

As flight time for Kathmandu, a short walk to Tumlingtar airport terminal, on boarding the plane. A sweeping scenic flight facing views of mountains brings you back to Kathmandu, then transfer to your hotel, with rest of the day free.

Two free days in Kathmandu, to relax your muscles with options for sightseeing tour of Kathmandu-Patan and Bhaktapur. On next day completing the successful climb on Mt. Makalu Mountaineering Expeditions, leader and guide will hand the expedition reports to concern Nepal Government Tourism department, evening enjoy the farewell group dinner.

Last day in the country full of amazing adventures with high Himalayan peaks, after a wonderful experience; with fond memories of Mt. Makalu Mountaineering Expeditions and the Himalayas. Our staff transfer you from the hotel to airport as per your international flight time for your final departure homeward bound or to respective destination.

FAQ’S (Frequently Asked Questions):

01:Where is Mt. Makalu is it a popular mountain area?

Mt. Makalu is listed as world’s 5th highest peaks, the area of Arun and Barun Valley is very scenic. Trekkers and mountaineers can enjoy the remote mountain
wilderness on less ventured areas by main flow of trekkers and mountaineers.
It is not as popular as other main trekking region of Everest and Annapurna Himalayas. But slowly drawing more visitors from last few decades, located
Far Eastern Nepal around Sankhuwa Sabha district within Koshi Zone.

02:How many have climbed Mt. Makalu?

Very few compared to Mt. Everest and Mt. Manaslu due to its remoteness as well the mountain is very tough and highly technical. Over the years 206 successful ascents, but slowly gaining more adventurers and mountaineers. A challenging peak and exciting to climb, leads to adrenaline adventure of a lifetime experience.

03:How can we book for Mt. Makalu Expedition?

For single or solo climbers, can be very expensive, requires minimum of 4-6 climbers. Joining with main group will be easier and the cost is much affordable, when planning for Mt. Makalu Expedition needs to book a year ahead.
Which makes it easier for Brown Bear Trail to arrange and organize the expeditions well in advance.

04:Do we spend overnights in tented camps of in a Tea-House / Lodge?

Depends upon the number of person for the expedition, for larger group of more than 6 people. Staying in tented camp from Tumlingtar and Num onwards, the lodges and Tea-House and lodges are very simple and basic from Tashi-Gaon onwards. It will be more of tented camping with food served by our camping cook till Num and Tumlingtar is reached after the expeditions.

05:Do all areas and villages have Wi Fi and electricity?

Nearly all village have Wi Fi and electricity till Tashi-Gaon, from then onwards
there are no villages. Except for few simple lodges having electricity run by Solar
Power, Wi Fi and internet services are not available. Where one can buy a Data package in Kathmandu for internet and Wi-Fi communication.

06:What are the fees for Mt. Makalu Expeditions?

Depending upon the number of person in the group, more the better makes the cost lower. Mt. Makalu Expedition costs from US$ 12,500 per person for Full Board Service with US$ 10,500 per person for Base Camp Service. Mt. Makalu Expedition can be done both in spring and autumn however we recommend you to ascend during the spring season. The rest is mentioned in out includes and excludes.

07:What are the age factor for Mt. Makalu Expedition?

As this is one of the most technical climb, where strong youth of minimum 18-20 years old; and maximum age of 60 years. All should be in sound health and in good physical shapes with experience on peak climbing.

08:When is the best time for Mt. Makalu Expedition?

Late spring of April to pre-summer time of June is the best season for mountaineering expeditions around the Himalayas. As well for climb of
Mt. Makalu, the world’s 5th highest peaks.

Expeditions profile

Expeditions profile

Mode of Adventure: Best tourist standard hotels in Kathmandu with
local lodges. Includes Tented Camping with the full
support of the Kitchen department of cook, kitchen staff,
climbing guides, and porters.
Region of Trek / Climb: Far North East Himalayas within Sankhuwa Sabha
district. Located in Koshi Zone.
Grade of Expeditions: Full Fledge Mountaineering as well challenging and
Expedition’s duration: 39 Nights and 40 Days, with flights and drives both ways.
Total Duration in Nepal: 45 Nights and 46 Days from arrival to main departures.

The best seasons for Mt. Makalu Mountaineering Expedition:

The best season for Mt. Makalu Mountaineering Expeditions is springtime from March to early pre-summer June. When days are much longer with enough sunny days, cold morning and evening till night. Depending upon the areas of overnight stops can get cloudy with light showers and snowfall sometimes.
Spring season is lively with wildflowers in seasonal bloom, especially the rhododendron of different colors and species.
The next best season is autumn and fall starts from September to November.
Best to complete the expedition before the first week of November before the winter begins. Most days are sunny with clear and acceptable for walks and views, as well for the climb. But shorter days due to limited sunlight hours, much cold morning, late afternoon till night time. Could get snowfall sometime during the autumn

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