22 Days


“One of the most adventurous and picturesque trek around scenic Ladakh
Explore the hidden valleys of Ladakh Sipti valley and its remote villages
Beautiful high plateau within Ladakh south eastern dramatic landscapes
Magnificent turquoise colored Tshi Kar and Moriri serene scenic lakes
Traverse from one high passes to another to lovely areas of Manali”


Overviews: Rumtse to Manali via Kibber Spiti Valley Trekking, an adventure of more than two weeks duration. Where walk takes you around the wildest country of North-West Himalayas of India within the vast plateau of Ladakh.   An adventure that involves crossing high scenic passes traversing from Ladakh towards the states of Himachal Pradesh at Manali. A beautiful hill station town Manali which is also a popular holiday destination, due to its scenic landscapes.   One of the most adventurous walks on Rumtse to Manali via Kibber Spiti Valley Trekking leads to high altitude passes. Where every high point rewards with a magnificent panorama of the snow mountain range of Karakoram, Zaskar, and Ladakh series of peaks.   Truly a wonderful adventure to experience once in a lifetime, around remote pockets of south-eastern Ladakh. Walking on flat scenic windswept plains, with grand views of emerald-colored Lakes of Tsho Kar and Moriri. A classic trek following ancient caravan trade route of Ladakh and Kibber Spiti valleys, in the shade of Himalayan peaks. Rumtse to Manali via Kibber Spiti Valley Trekking is more of an exploration than normal treks around less ventured areas.   The adventure begins on arrival at Leh, the capital town of Ladakh at 3,500 m high an interesting place. As well for acclimatization visiting at places of great cultural and historical sites around Leh and beyond. The best way and interesting way to get acclimatize, with a combination of the cultural and historical tour, before high altitude walk. A day in Leh, with a local native guide takes you to Shey, Thiksey, and Leh Royal Palace. One of the most important sites of Ladakh, where visitors can get familiarized with Ladakh's immense culture and customs.   From Leh, after a pleasant and exciting time, starts our adventure ‘Rumtse to Manali via Kibber Spiti Valley Trekking’. A drive beyond Leh to Rumtse, the starting point of the trek, with a visit to Hemis monastery. The largest and oldest monuments of Ladakh were built around 14th Century and then heading towards first overnight in a tented camp.   Where all camping gear, baggage carried by pack animals, ponies, and mules, as adventure leads towards scenic Kibber Spiti valley. The wildest region of Ladakh to experience in the country of Changpas, the nomads' high landers of western Himalayas. Where Yaks and Pashmina goat graze on a wide meadow, as route leads to cross seven high passes. Traversing over Kyamar-La 5, 071 m, Mandalchan-La 5, 206 m, Shibuk-La 5, 275 m, Kyamayuri-La 5, 416 m. Includes, Kartse-La 5, 388 m, Yalung Nyau-La at 5, 337 m, last and highest of all Parang-La 5, 600 m.   After a great strenuous walk and climb as well as enjoying an exciting time, slowly adventure leads to our final destination. Where our trek leads to Kibber and at Kazza on reaching another state of Himachal Pradesh around Manali. With time for an interesting tour of ancient  Key, Dhankar, and Tabo Monasteries, before ending our final leg of the adventure. An exciting drive to the lovely hill town of Manali for the last overnight stop, in the comfort of splendid hotels.   At Manali enjoying a free spare day after a long tough adventurous walks from Rumtse, around Kibber and Spiti valleys. A lovely place for an extra rest day with a tour of Manali at places of great natural wonders. Next day departure to Manali Bhunatar domestic airport for flight to Delhi and homeward bound. After an overwhelming and great wonderful experience on Rumtse to Manali via Kibber Spiti Valley Trekking.   Outline Itinerary: Day 01:          Arrival at Leh / Ladakh 3, 500 m Kushok Bakula Rimpoche airport and transfer to hotel. Day 02:          A day in Leh for acclimatization and tour of Leh former palace, Shanti Stupa overnight in View Point Hotel. Day 03:          At Leh tour of Shey, Thiksey and Leh Royal Palace. Day 04:          Drive to Rumtse 4, 244 m visit Hemis Monastery with tented camp. Day 05:          Trek to Kyamar 4,538 m - 06 hrs. Day 06:          Trek to Tishaling 4, 940 m via Kyamar-La 5, 071 m and Mandalchan- La 5, 206 m-07 hrs. Day 07:          Trek to Pangonagu 4, 654 m via Shibuk-La 5, 275 m -07 hrs. Day 08:          Trek to Nuruchan 4, 672 m-06 hrs. Day 09:          Trek to Gyama Barma 5, 089 m via Kyamayuri-La 5, 416 m-08 hrs. Day 10:          Trek to Gyamar 5,161 m via Kartse-La 5, 388 m-05 hrs. Day 11:          Trek to Korzok Village 4, 500 m via Yalung Nyau-La 5, 337 m-06 hrs. Day 12:          Trek to Kyangdam 4, 529 m-06 hrs. Day 13.          Trek to Norbo Sumdo 4,530 m - 05 hrs. Day 14.          Trek to Getpa Buzak 4, 532 m-06 hrs. Day 15.          Trek to Tharang Yokma 4,786 m-06 hrs. Day 16.          Trek to Parang-La Base 5,085 m-06 hrs. Day 17.          Trek to Thaltak 4, 418 m via Parang-La 5, 578 m- 07 hrs. Day 18.          Trek to Kibber 4, 108 m- 06 hrs. Day 19.          Trek to Kazza 3, 800 m and visit Key, Dhankar and Tabo Monasteries. Day 20:          Morning drive to Manali 2, 050 m (183 km) drive -06 hrs. Day 21:          Free day at Manali visit Hindu Temple Hadimba Mahadev & Vashist hot spring. Day 22.          Drive to Bhuntar airport fly to Delhi (51 km) an hour and half drive. Best seasons for Rumtse to Manali via Kibber Spiti Valley Trekking: The best time for this wonderful adventurous trekking is from late spring and early autumn seasons, from mid-April and May, as well during the monsoon time of June to mid-September. As Ladakh and Nubra valley falls within rain-shadow, where heavy black monsoon clouds are blocked by Himalaya high mountains.   April & May are fine clear days most of the time, with longer sun-light hours but can get overcast in the late afternoon with chances of snow sometimes. Autumn / fall is another best time for treks and tours around Ladakh, with a fine clear day. But days are shorter due to sunlight hours can be freezing cold, especially in the morning, and night times will be clear with bright starry nights. Chances of snowfall during the walk sometimes.   For interested people can visit Ladakh for a tour and trekking during summer times of June to August also. As Ladakh falls within rain shadow area, where monsoon dark rain clouds blocked by the great Himalayas. That is why Ladakh most areas are dry with less rainfall.   Religion and Culture: Ladakh and the North West Himalaya are populated by Ladakhi people descendants of a mixed tribal race of Mons of North India, and Dards of Baltistan with Mongols of Central Asia. History shows the Mons were the first immigrants, followed by Dards who founded different settlements in the Indus valley. Ladakh is a country of strong Buddhism religion and culture similar to the Tibetan heritage of ancient Buddhism custom, where one can visit its many old monasteries of great religious significance.    


Morning after a short scenic of an hour flight to Leh from Delhi, on arrival at Leh, Ladakh Kushok Bakula Rimpoche. As you head outside the air terminal, our staff and guide receives you for short drive in the heart of Leh town to your Hotels. Afternoon free at leisure, optional walk to the center of Leh and its market.

At Leh, for acclimatization and for exciting tour at places of interest, Leh has a vast range of main bazaar on the street colorful local fruits and vegetables vendors. The streets are busy with roadside restaurant, cafes and craft shops.
The old Leh Palace stands on the top of the high hill overlooking Leh town and the scenic valley. The white Peace (Shanti) Stupa located on a high hill which is interesting for visit offers grand views of Leh. Witness the world's highest Polo ground, which is close near main bus station, enjoy rest of the day free at leisure to browse around Leh, Ladakh capital.

At Leh for another day, to support acclimatization before heading towards higher terrain, morning after breakfast a full day tour with exciting drive. Enjoy the scenic ride through beautiful countryside and visit Thiksey Gompa built in 16th Century, situated on a hill top. The monastery enriched with Tibetan-style books, a huge Buddha statue and excellent works of arts.
Last stop on the way back to Leh, tour of ruined Shey Palace once a summer palace of the pre-Tibetan kings. Shey and its fort also known as Lachen Palkar Palace, the massive nine-story stone structure lies at the base of the Tsemo ridge and towers over the old town. Built by King Senge Namgyal during 15th till 17th Centuary in a Tibetan style. The great Mahasiddha Staktsang Raspa along with great ancestor Singey Namgyal built this biggest monastery in 16th century.
The palace monastery houses a large, bronze, blue haired Buddha statue and then drive to Leh hotel for overnight.

After breakfast, drive to Rumtse the start of our adventure with visit of Hemis, one of the largest and wealthiest monasteries in Ladakh with more than 150 monks; an annual Hemis festival is held. This monastery, is the oldest monastery of Gelugpa School in Ladakh, the great Lama Paldan Shesrap built it in 14th Century. Here you can see the big statue of the Future Buddha, and then reaching our first tented campsite at Rumtse for overnight halt.

Day 05: Trek to Kyamar 4,538 m - 06 hrs.
Walk along the road till it follows to a bungalow built for visitors, and then taking the right side trail into the valley passing through some abandoned army huts.
After a short hour reaching a junction, where one leads left towards Tso Kar Lake and one on the right takes you to a stream. Climb to the valley of Kyamar, in early days known as the salt route, it was through this valley that the salt from
Tso Kar Lake was brought to Leh and around the Indus valley. Enjoy the walk within beautiful harmonious landscapes for overnight camp.

Day 06: Trek to Tishaling 4, 940 m via Kyamar-La 5, 071 m and
Mandalchan-La 5, 206 m-07 hrs.
After a pleasant overnight stop around Kyamar valley, morning after a good breakfast, walk leads uphill with steep climb towards the Kyamar-La, facing
stunning view of the Changthang Mountain range. From the top descend towards Tiri Doksa, a summer pasture of Yak and cattle herder temporary shelter. Trek continues heading towards Mandalchan-La, another high pass for excellent view of surrounding grand vista, and then downhill to Tishaling for overnight camp in a wide valley.

Another long day trek to Pangonagu, but worth the hard effort, as it leads to
beautiful serene Lake Tso Kar, enclosed by high snow peaks range.
Walk leads towards a high pass at Shibuk-La, facing wonderful views of
Tso Kar Lake with snow mountains that surrounds the scenic valley.
From the pass after a grand vista, downhill to a wide valley then end the long hour’s day trek on reaching at Pangonagu for overnight camping close to the
emerald colored Tso Kar Lake. Around this pure wilderness, chances of spotting
some wild-life like Ibex, wild ass called Kyang in local language of Tibetan origin, with marmots and migratory birds and ducks.

Enjoying marvelous overnight stop at Pangonagu, close to the lake Tso Kar, clearing the camp. Start the adventure, walk today is much pleasant as the path leads along the lake of Tsho Kar, which means a white-lake due to much salt deposit on the shore. Walk to the end of the lake might spot wild mountain animals and birds, then slowly completing the day turning right side to enter a nice small village of Nuruchan for overnight stop.

Today’s walk one of the longest as it involves crossing two high passes traverse over Horlam Kongka-La at 4,900 m and Kyamayuri-La 5,416 m high.
After completing both passes then reaching at Rachungkaru. A place of nomads with Tibetan refugee’s reservation camp and settlement. A lovely and interesting place to observe the nomadic life of Tibetan herding livestock of Yaks, Sheep’s and Pashmina Goats and the slowly walk takes you at Gyama Barma for overnight stop.

After an interesting stop at Gyama Barma, walk today is quite shorter compared
to previous long days. Start the morning walk towards the base of Kartse-La, and then a steep climb to reach on top of the pass at 5,385 m. From the top of Kartse-La enjoy glorious views of surrounding beautiful landscapes and then downhill to
Gyamar, after walking past nomads camp descended from South-West Tibet.
A nice wide valley for overnight camp at Gyamar, close to Tibetan nomad’s small settlements.

From this nice camp at Gyamar, start the morning walk along the eastern shore of
Tsomori-Ri Lake, and then a climb leads you on top of Yalung Nyau-La pass.
Enjoy the spectacular vista of surrounding beautiful valley enclosed by high snow- capped peaks, and then descend to the valley floor. A short climb over Zerlung Merlung ridge then heading towards Korzok village, placed close on the bank of Tsomori-Ri Lake, here witness flocks of ducks and storks around lake side.

An enjoyable and interesting overnight stop at Korzok and the lake, morning walk leads along the west bank of the lake. A pleasant trek on level path facing superb views of the Mentok Himal range with Chamser and Lungser Kang-Ri right across from the lake.
Walk follows through spread-out nomadic temporary shelters around Sachanglung, Kele, Rile and Kharlung. The route with options as per the season wise, either taking a rocky off shore or walk on sandy banks to reach at Kyangdam for overnight camp. The word Kyangdam means an area of wild ass, which you can often spot around the lake shore.

Today’s walk an average day, where landscapes dramatically as route leads towards a river valley of Parang Chu. The trail follows on a delta of Phirste Chu River, after some hours walk then reaching at Chumik Shilde, which means a spring water. On route might come across herd of wild ass ‘Kyang’, as walk heads on the bank of a river before reaching at Norbu Sumdo for overnight camp.
A place with huge rock cave built by the nomads to trap wolfs, the preys on sheep and goats.

Day 14. Trek to Getpa Buzak 4, 532 m-06 hrs.
From here onwards route leads towards south east to Getpa Buzak, morning starts heading along the river and then crossing Pare Chu river, as our guide will check the shallow area to wade across. The river source from Parang-La and Gya, Takling massif peaks, the streams crisscross to Tibet and into India at Spiti/

Trek to Lukung 4, 515 m, early trek to cross Pare Chu River. Short after camp we cross the river in morning with low level of water and guide will find out the best place to cross the river, and trek along the right bank of Pare Chu. Pare Chu the source from Parang-La, Gya massif and Takling, it runs continue to Tibet and enter again in India at Spiti. Walk past Silang Gongma and continue walk on the river bed to reach overnight campsite at Getpa Buzak.

Slowly adventure heads further east, as morning walk follows the Parang Chu River, with short ups and down trail over rolling hills. As walk slowly climb
for long hours with some steep section and then the trail leads on gradual up to reach at Tharang Yokma for overnight stop, camping on a nice level grassy meadow

A full day climb to reach at the base of high Parang-La Pass, the highest point of the adventure. Walk follows along the river bed heading on the right side, then slowly altitude gains facing exciting views of beautiful valleys on the both sides.
As steep haul leads to a ridge line and then short down to a grassy meadow with last final gradual up to the base of Parang-La for overnight camp within absolute wilderness.

Today an exciting walk as it leads on the boundary of two states Himalchal Pradesh and Ladakh areas. A slow and steady walk following a gentle up for short while and then a steep climb to reach on top Parang-La, the highest spot of this
adventure. Enjoy sweeping panorama around both sides of the valleys with high snow-capped peaks range and of Spiti valley.

After a great moment, route leads to long steep descend steep to Thaltak campsite. Having a lunch break, afternoon walk leads into a deep Parilungbi gorge and then following the stream to cross over a temporary bridge. Where climb leads straight to Thaltak, a nice spot for campsite in a bowl shape with great vista of snow-mountains with view of Kanamo peak.

An enjoyable day after completing all high passes of the adventure, from Thaltak walk leads downhill to Dumla village. Located on a plateau where one can find fossils or ammonites around this area. Adventure from here leads through a small canal with grassy slopes, lined with miniatures’ Himalayan flora.
Then slowly ending the day at Kibber village with time to visit an old Kee monastery, one the famous and age-old religious sites of the region.
Overnight camp set on a nice grassy meadow close from the Kibber village, Kibber literally means Kidber - Blossom of Happiness.

From here within state of Himalchal Pradesh, as morning walks enters a small canyon and then following a stream. Walking on gradual path to a bridge of Palilungbi Chu. Trek leads to a gentle climb to a small Rohtang-La Pass and then descend to cross another Kunzum-La pass, which is the gateway to Spiti valley.
Walk leads to the first village of Spiti, Lossar and then complete the day walk on reaching at Kaza. The head quarter of the Spiti region, Spiti is the part of District of Lahoul and Spiti within state of Himachal Pradesh, India.
Overnight in a nice hotel or resorts with time to browse around this interesting village, after completing our adventurous walks from Rumtse to the road-head of Manali.

Morning after a nice breakfast, board in a jeep or four-wheelers of similar vehicles, an exciting drive of six hours to reach lovely Manali hill town at distance of 183 km from Kazza village. As drive head on winding road and then back into green lush vegetation of tall tree lines of pines and firs. Slowly journey ends on entering a nice Manali town, and transfer into the best hotels or resorts.

A free day in Manali, a perfect and interesting town to observe local hill people culture and activities. Morning our guide takes you around the market square in the hub of Manali, as well visiting its famous Hindu temple of Hadimba Mahadev.
Tour takes you refreshing hot-spring of Vashist, rest of the day at leisure for short walks on the streets of Manali, a famous holiday town for Indians as well for foreign tourist.

Last day in the hill station town of Manali, after an exciting adventure of a life time experience on Rumtse to Manali town through Kibber and Spiti valley crossing the highest passes of Himalayas. As per flight time for Delhi an hour or more drive to Bhuntar domestic airport for flight to Delhi, to connect your international flight homeward bound.

Cost Includes

  • All arrival and departure ground transport Leh to Leh from airport to hotel and vice-versa.
  • Hotel accommodation on 3 stars or in tourist standard hotels in Leh, or in major towns like at Manali-Himachal Pradesh as per the itinerary and related trip cost. B-L-D.
  • From Leh and throughout the treks on full board from hotel-lodge-guest house accommodation with three-time meals B-L-D including afternoon tea and light snacks.
  • On treks and tours in a private cars, jeep, coach, or buses as per the itinerary to the start of trekking and at the end of trek.
  • On treks or tours all applicable entrance permits, including national park and conservation fees.
  • All guided tours with professional guides, tour escorts, and good drivers.
  • Applicable Trekking Permits and national park or conservation entry fees.
  • Wages, medical insurance, meals, and transportation allowance of guide, trekking staff, and porters. Including horse / yak or mule drivers.
  • Comprehensive Medical / First Aid Kit and Gamow Bag in high altitude trek.Groups briefing on arrival.
  • Full board on tented camping with all meals included, with separate kitchen unit of cook, kitchen staff, guides and porters or horsemen.
  • At Camping with large dining tents as per size of a group, includes toilet tents. Shower tents and generator to charge electronic gadgets on request.
  • Applicable Climbing Permits, with guide special bonus on above 6,000 m peaks.
  • Guides special climbing insurance, climbing equipment allowances.
  • Staying in guest-house or lodges where ever available on trek and climbing trips, includes all meals B-L-D.

Cost Excludes

  • International air-fare, Personal medical / travel insurance and flight from Delhi to Leh and back. As well India Visa entry fee.
  • Expenses of individual nature drinks, laundry, telephone bills, gratitude and meals in Leh or in major villages on route trekking or tour. As per the itinerary chosen. As well laundry, recharge of electronic items and hot-showers.
  • Personal Trekking-Climbing gear and equipment’s including down jackets- sleeping bags if not provided by the company as per the trip cost.
  • Single Supplement on hotel rooms as well on trek in lodge where clients should inform ahead on booking with extra charge on booking single private rooms where available.
  • Emergency evacuation by any means of transportations including immediate Helicopter services if required on accidents, sickness and personal problems.
  • Early return from the tour or treks will not be entertainment with refund, where client should borne all the expenses incurred including accompany guide-porters services.
  • Gratitude / Tipping at the end of treks and climbs.

FAQ’S (Frequently Asked Questions):

01: How to book with a reliable company for trekking Ladakh?

Almost all local companies are reliable depending upon your choice of holidays, duration, and budget-wise. But one can try Brown Bear Treks & Expeditions, one of the renowned adventure companies based in Nepal. Brown Bear runs exciting trips all around India in Ladakh, Sikkim, and Darjeeling, including Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet. You can search our home page sites and choose the right holidays, and book accordingly with the one and only Brown Bear for Himalayan Adventure Holidays.

02: What will be the weather in Ladakh?

The weather is fine in most parts of Ladakh, however, Himalayan weather sometimes is unpredictable. Depends upon the region of trekking and other holidays in Ladakh North West India as altitude wise, higher than 3,000 meters day times are sunny most of the time with cooler morning and evening time. Ladakh with four main seasons spring from March to May and summer / Monsoon starts from June to August. Includes autumn/fall from September to November, as well as winter from December to February. The best favorable seasons for visiting the Himalayas around the spring and autumn seasons.

03: What ages does the company allows for trekking?

Age is no bar in all our trekking adventures, we have space for all ages from children from 5 to 70 years old person, as long one is physically, medically, and mentally fit. In treks that involve high passes of over 5,000 meters then we consider the age groups.

04: How are the foods and accommodation on trekking?

Most places around Ladakh due to its remote and isolated region, trekking with tented camping. Staying in the lodge where available, but using tented camping on most treks and climbing peaks in Ladakh. Few trekking regions have good lodge facilities with excellent, neat, and cozy lodges. During camping our cook will provide excellent home-cooked food as per the areas of trekking. Trekkers will be delighted to find food from Continental, Chinese, Indian, Italian, Tibetan, and Nepali meals as well fresh bakery products in some time. All meals are cooked in a healthy and hygienic manner using LPG cooking gas or in kerosene stoves. Meals are served in a large dining tent as per the size of the group, we carry gas lamps to light the dining tents.

05: What happens if one is sick on trek?

Our guides are fully prepared for this kind of situation, we carry a medical kit and the guides have gone through yearly medical training, if it’s very serious needs to be evacuated by any means of transport like a helicopter the safe and quickest way(for this reason one should have strong travel/ medical insurance to cover this extra expenses) we will contact our helicopter companies to uplift and evacuate and then bring back to the nearest hospital and medical care or in Leh depending upon distance and circumstances.

06: What to expect on trekking?

Depending upon the area of trekking routes as Ladakh is a wild country of high hills and downhill, so on a normal trek, there are many ups and downs walking with few gradual trails. Trekking routes encounter several mid hills and traditional villages full of culture and religions with shrines, monasteries with prayer symbols like Mani, and stupas along the walks, and villagers are friendly and greet you with smiles.

07: Is there facilities to re-charge our electronic items as well with Wi Fi?

Internet, Wi-Fi, and phone are available around every village and large settlement on route main trekking areas. Sometimes the internet and WI-FI are slow and might be disturbing due to weather-wise. As well depending on the landscapes around the gorge and deep valleys, the internet and WI-FI will not reach the areas. One must be prepared and wait until you reach certain high places, where communication works. Electricity available run by hydro-power, as well solar power nearly in all main villages on route trekking. Only around remote areas where camping is required, will not have electricity facilities or Wi-Fi for some days. At every lodge charging fees includes per hour and per item, the price differs from one place to another.

08: Can we have hot showers on trekking?

Hot / Cold showers are available in every lodge where you stay overnights mainly around popular trekking routes. All lodges charge some amount for using hot-showers in all standard lodges. But on camping days there will be no hot showers available, but we can provide a shower tent on request.

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