Upper Mustang & Muktinath Trekking

19 Days

‘explore the wild picturesque country of Upper Mustang and its immense cultures’


“An exclusive adventure exploring remote hidden corners of scenic Upper Mustang Trek around Far West Nepal Himalayas on an extension of vast Tibetan plateau.Walk through lovely traditional villages adorned with impressive lively culture.On ancient Trans Himalaya Salt Trade Route and Caravan trails of Nepal to Tibet.Journey to former walled kingdom of Lo-Manthang a cultural heritage sites”

Best seasons for Upper Mustang & Muktinath Trek:

The best time for this wonderful adventure is in the spring and autumn seasons, from March to May, and autumn/fall begins from September to November months.

Springtime from March to May with fine clear day most of the time, with longer sun-light hours but can get overcast in the late afternoon with chances of snow sometimes on high altitude areas as well on passes.

Autumn / Falls another best time for this trek with a fine clear day for views and walks. But days are shorter with sun-light hours, morning, late afternoon, and nighttime temperatures drop to freezing cold around the higher region with the bright starry night sky. Chances of snow on trails as well on passes.

For Upper Mustang Trek one can join in monsoon times of June to August also, where monsoon dark rain clouds are blocked by the Himalayas.

The area is dry due to less moisture and rain, similar landscapes to Tibet of barren and arid.

Religion and Culture:

Upper or whole areas of Mustang districts populated by Lobas the highlander of Mustang region the mountain tribe of strong Tibetan origin. The native of Mustang follows strong Buddhism religion as well Bon a pre-Buddhism sect with an age-old culture similar to their predecessors Tibetan, on this trek, you will notice traditionally built houses, where every home is adorned with Buddhist prayer flags and religious monuments.

On this trek beyond Jomsom town, coming across rows of prayer walls, spinning and wheeled prayer with Buddhist stupas, where walking clockwise will be the right way to respect the local culture as well visit interesting monasteries. Lower Mustang around Jomsom and Lupra village populated by Thakali people the tribes of Kaligandaki River valley follows Tibetan Buddhism with a slight touch of Hindu culture and custom.


Upper Mustang & Muktinath Trekking, an adventure from the main trail to remote pockets of Far North-West Himalaya. The region of Upper Mustang was once a forbidden kingdom and was opened for outside visitors from 1992 onwards. But remains one of the restricted areas of Nepal for trekking and other adventure activities. All foreign travelers require a special permit to enter Upper Mustang from Kagbeni village, the entry and exit points. Upper Mustang, geographically an extension of vast South West Tibetan plateau the Mustang native is known as Lobas. Follows similar culture and religion of Buddhism like its Tibetan predecessors, as well as practice the ancient cult of Bon a pre-Buddhism. Worship of nature, mountain spirits, you will have the opportunity to witness this marvelous Upper Mustang & Muktinath Trekking. Mustang was once a part of Tibetan soil, during Malla regime around mid-centaury, annexed some parts of western Tibet in Nepal. Including the Mustang area and became an independent kingdom of its own right in 1,380 A.D. around the 14th Century. Upper Mustang is a prime location of the major Trans Himalaya Salt Trade Route. Where caravan of mules, horses, and yaks laden with goods of both countries Nepal and Tibet passed through this area. The adventure begins from beautiful Pokhara city, a renowned tourist spot of Nepal and all of the Himalayas range. A sweeping short flight to Jomsom, headquarter and major town of Mustang district located on a shelf of Kaligandaki River.  From Jomsom heading further West towards Kagbeni village, the gateway to Upper Mustang and beyond to Tibet border. The walk continues after a night stop at Kagbeni to enter a wild windswept country of Upper Mustang. The trail follows through towering canyons and high eroded cliffs of amazing colors red, brown with a tinge of blue. Looks spectacular with the bright sunlight, as the walk leads to lovely villages of Chusang, Geling, and crossing passes. The high passes and ridge offer breathtaking views of surrounding picturesque landscapes with snow peaks of the Mustang area. As the adventure continues towards Tsarang / Charang nice village surrounded by a field of crops, buckwheat, and barley. With time to visit around the village and its monastery, houses built of typical Tibetan tradition. The walk follows through several Chorten and prayer walls and spinning wheels one of the longest around Nepal. Finally, the journey enters the former walled kingdom of Lo-Manthang, where first King Ame Pal ruled the country of Lo. The royal hereditary continued to the last former King Jigme Dorje Palbar Bista till 2016, by then monarch was abolished. Staying in a nice guest house, lodge having a day off for a tour of famous monasteries Namgyal Gompa, Champa Lakhang (God House), Red Thubchen Gompa, Chyodi Gompa, and the great Entrance Hall. Includes other places of great historical and religious interest, Lo-Manthang and its moderate size town remind you of medieval times. On achieving our first goal and highlight of the journey next adventure takes you to remote corners of Upper Mustang. Following a trail to the absolute wilderness to Dhi village and Yara, where few groups of trekkers seldom venture. Adventure around the wild windswept country of Dhi and Yara to reach Luri Gompa perched on a high ledge above the village of Luri. The Gompa is a monastery of the Kagyu sect of Tibetan Buddhism with an old history from the 13th to 14th Century. An amazing place to witness the central chamber of the monastery carved out of the rock. Creating a domed ceiling painted with series of saints, gurus with Sakyamuni Buddha and Chenrez figures, which are marvelous masterpieces. After an exciting, amazing time around Yara and Luri Gompa, the walk continues heading eastward to another holy spot of Muktinath. As journey leads through Tange and Tetang villages with overnight stops then reaching our last destination at Muktinath. Located on the route of famous, popular Annapurna Circuit trail, a nice village overlooking views of Dhaulagiri, Tukuche, and Nilgiri peaks. At Muktinath, explore its holy complex, a famous pilgrimage destination around the Himalayas for Hindus as well as for some Buddhists. The word Muktinath means salvation, liberty, or Nirvana, from Muktinath last part of the adventure heads towards Kaligandaki valley. Before ending the walk at Jomsom, taking an alternative route by Lupra village, a well-hidden settlement away from the main trail. Few groups of trekkers often visit this remote corner of Mustang, Lupra houses Bon monastery an ancient sect of pre-Buddhism. Enjoy the tour of the monastery, at present only a few areas around Himalaya exist Gompa of Bon sect. The final walk from Lupra leads to Jomsom with an easy gradual path on Kaligandaki River valley. On arrival at Jomsom, transfer into nice hotels and lodges with a comprehensive food menu to enjoy the last dinner. Next early morning, a smooth scenic flight brings you to Pokhara, and then drive or fly to Kathmandu. Where our wonderful adventure completes, after an amazing experience around Upper Mustang & Muktinath Trekking.   Outline Itinerary:   Day 01:          Arrival at Kathmandu and transfer to hotel. Day 02:          In Katmandu for sightseeing tour at places of interest. Day 03:          Drive / Fly to Pokhara - 06 hrs. (30 mins by air). Day 04:          Morning flight to Jomsom 2,715 m and trek to Kagbeni - 04 hrs. Day 05:          Trek to Chele 3,050 m - 06 hrs. Day 06:          Trek to Geling 3,540 m - 05 hrs. Day 07:          Trek to Tsarang 3,560 m - 06 hrs. Day 08:          Trek to Lo-Manthang 3,700 m - 05 hrs. Day 09:          In Lo-Manthang rest day for acclimatization and local visit. Day 10:          Trek to Dhi / Yara 3, 715 m - 06 hrs. Day 11:          From Yara trek to Luri Gompa, Yara 3,900 mand Ghara villages. Day 12:          Trek to Tange 3,370 m - 06 hrs. Day 13:          Trek to Tetang 3,240 m - 06 hrs. Day 14:          Trek to Muktinath 3,800 m - 06 hrs. Day 15:          Trek to Jomsom 2,715 m via Lupra valley 2,950 m - 06 hrs. Day 16:          Fly from Jomsom to Pokhara 860 m - 25 mins flight. Day 17:          Fly back to Kathmandu 30 mins flight and transfer to hotel. Day 18:          Free day in Kathmandu at leisure and for individual activities. Day 19:          International Departure homeward bound.


On arrival at Kathmandu and Nepal International Airport, received by our guides and staff for short transfer to your hotels in the hub of Kathmandu city.

Checking your lovely room, and after a refreshing rest join with other members of
Upper Mustang & Muktinath Trekking. Our guide or group leader brief you about the treks, do’s and don’ts, local culture, as well camping, foods and of lodges, camping on route trek.

A full good information which will help to enjoy your adventure with us, followed with welcome group dinner in a Nepalese restaurant with folk-culture program as entertainment while you enjoy the dinner.

Morning after breakfast at given time, our city guide will meet for interesting sightseeing of best world heritage sites around Kathmandu.

Tour includes old Durbar (royal palace and courtyard) square, with Temple of Kumari (Living young virgin Goddess). Visit famous Nepal landmark Swayambhunath Stupa a 2,500 years old, a Buddhist Stupa with all seeing eyes of Lord Buddha. Afternoon tour of holy Hindu Temple of Pashupatinath and visit Bouddhanath, Asia’s largest Stupa with four cardinals eyes of Buddha surrounded with prayer wheels and small market, this place is also known as Little Tibet due to strong Tibetan influence. After an exciting day tour back to hotel for Upper Mustang & Muktinath Trek, preparation with last minute briefing from your leader and guide.

An exciting overland to Pokhara, having breakfast set off for drive on Nepal’s main highway heading towards low mid-hills around warmer farm areas.
Following Trisuli River for few hours, and the drive towards Mid-West to famous tourist city in Pokhara. A beautiful place located on a green valley surrounded by tiers of hills facing close views of massive Annapurna Himalayan peaks with
majestic Machhapuchare Himal known as Fish-Tail peak.
Transfer into a nice hotels by the lake-side, where all best hotels, restaurants with many shops and stores located.

Having an early breakfast transfer to Pokhara airport for short flight to Jomsom, the headquarter town of Mustang district. During less than half hour flight enjoy super panorama of Annapurna and Dhaulagiri Himalayan range.

Landing at Jomsom, received by our trekking staff who have traveled taking a drive to Jomsom from Pokhara, at Jomsom refreshing stop and continue first day walk following Kali-Gandaki river valley to Kagbeni village facing views of
Mt. Dhaulagiri, Nilgiri. At Kagbeni check into a nice room of the lodge with time for tour of this interesting village to catch glimpse of local impressive culture.
From Kagbeni starts the restricted area to Upper Mustang and route of Trans Himalaya Salt Trade and Caravan Trail to T.

Morning starts with short climb to reach a level and gradual path as walk enters into a wide gorge enclosed by huge wall of red, brown canyon and windblown towering cliffs dotted with small cave holes. Walk follows a river upstream within amazing country as route leads to cultivated farm lands of Tiri-Gaon village. From here another hour of scenic walk brings to overnight stop at Chele village.
A moderate size village with houses closely intact surrounded by few trees of willow, populus and juniper the only surviving around this dry land.

From Chele also pronounced as Tsele, morning starts with climb to Gyakar village, as walk leads to wide dry landscapes as route follows at Samar village, a nice looking villages. After a short stop continue trek to Bhena a small settlement and then a climb to a high ridge of Yamda La at the height of 3,860 m a small pass, offers views of beautiful landscapes with Mt. Dhaulagiri, from the pass downhill to Geling village for overnight stop after walking past Syangboche village.

Start the morning visiting old Geling monastery as time permits, as well to witness a Buddhist mani prayer wheels run by water power. From Geling to Tsarang one of the attractive village of Upper Mustang. Walk starts crossing Ghaymi Khola / stream, as route follows long series of impressive Mani walls (holy prayer stone) as walk leads past Dhakmar village. Our route climbs up facing views of Tama Gung village down below. Another long climb across a valley to the highest point of the trek at Nya La pass at 3,950 m high.
After crossing few high ridges and pass with another few hours of treks to Tsarang / Charang village with wide crop field of buck wheat, barley and buckwheat. On arrival transfer into a nice lodge for overnight with tour of Tsarang old monastery.

Today to our ultimate destination Lo-Manthang, a walk of few hours can take long due to rise in altitude gain. As morning walk starts on gradual path with short downhill to a stream, which later joins Kali Gandaki River. Walk follows stream then climb to cross a small pass, and then downhill with short up to enter the walled kingdom of Lo-Manthang. Overnight in one of its best lodge’s rest of the day after a good lunch take a short stroll around Lo-Manthang and its narrow alley and lanes quite interesting town reminds you of medvial era.

After continues walk on high altitude, a free day in Lo-Manthang to explore around. An exciting place to observe local life and its culture of great interest. Tour of famous monasteries Namgyal Gompa, Champa Lakhang (God House), Red Thubchen Gompa, Chyodi Gompa and the great Entrance Hall with special permission to visit the palace interior.

From Lo-Manthang adventure takes you to absolute wilderness within dry and arid terrain. Morning begins on the same trail for few hours and then route diverts towards east on an alternative to Muktinath and Jomsom via Yara, Luri Gompa. A steep descend takes you to a small village of Dhi by Phuyung Khola bank.

On crossing a small wooden bridge over Phuyung Khola, and then a steep climb of few hours and then on gradual path to end the day at Yara, a small village adorn with Buddhist player flags. An interesting place amidst windblown landscapes, overnight in a small simple lodge, with time to explore around facing views of snow- capped peaks and surrounding picturesque scenery.

An amazing place out of this world, on a desert like landscapes within windswept terrain, and impressive. Today a short day of few hours from Yara to Luri Gompa area, as walk leads on dusty trail to reach a small settlement sparsely populated, a mystical and fascinating place, overnight in a simple basic lodge of homely environment with time to visit Luri Gompa, the last cave monastery of Lo areas around Upper Mustang as well in whole Himalayas.

The history with no written record of Luri Gompa constructions, the monastery is linked with Kagyu sects of Buddhism. The art and painting proves it was done by Nepalese, Newari and Tamang artists from Kathmandu, working for Tibetan patrons in early days from 13th to 14th century. The central chamber of the Gompa is carved out on the rock creating a domed ceiling. Which is painted with series of Mahasidha, Sakyamuni Buddha and Chenrez figures and so on, truly a work of excellent masterpieces. The walls lines with old fresco with 14th century painting, depicts Indian Mahasidas, an interesting place not to be missed visit of Luri Gompa, while trekking around Upper Mustang.

After an interesting time at Luri Gompa around isolated area of Upper Mustang, morning starts walking on a high route through barren, arid terrain within bare red eroded mud and rocky hills, weathered by strong winds and snow as walk proceed coming towards a small ridge top, and then downhill to Tange village for overnight stop, a moderate size village of about 30 houses. The houses are closely attached, like other places from Jomsom onward with rooftops piles of big dry old logs and woods stored for many years as a heritage status. Reflecting a prosperity of the society which is common traditions around Mustang and in Tibet where woods are very scarce.

From Tange walk leads to barren country of red earth surroundings, as route leads on gentle path for few hours overlooking views of snow-capped peaks and then cross a stream. After a good walk climb to Chacho-La pass at 3,550 m, from the top enjoy views of Dhaulagiri, Nilgiri, Tukuche with Tilicho Peaks.

After a short refreshing stop descend to Pa Khola, as walk leads to short ups and down towards Tetang village. The village is formed between two high hills which provides a good shelter from the strong wind that normally hits the entire Kaligandaki valley. Tetang is the upper village of the Chuksang and Chele, which we passed on the first day trek from Kagbeni to enter Upper Mustang.

Walk from Tetang to Muktinath, a long day on gradual winding trail, route leads north east trail, passed temporary huts and shelters of Yak herders, the high path offers grand views of Nilgiri and Dhaulagiri mountain range. As trail takes you on wide trail to Muktinath for overnight stop, afternoon visit the holy Muktinath temple premises. Muktinath, a sacred pilgrimage destination for Hindu and some Buddhist followers from all around Nepal and India. Mukti a holy place to liberate oneself from re-birth dating back to antiquity of 2,300 years.

The area is equally holy spot for Hindu and Buddhist religion after visiting Muktinath the pilgrims search for black shiny fossils called shaligram (ammonite), found in abundance around Kaligandaki River valley.

Last day walk to Jomsom town, actually it takes not more than 4 hours but our route takes you on alternative trail to hidden areas of Lupra village and the village. Morning walk from Muktinath heading south east away from main path, walk on grassy field to Lupra village and its wide valley. Lupra village well hidden village, located in Panda Khola / stream gorge in between Kagbeni and Jomsom.

Enjoy the walk off the mainstream on rarely visited by main flow of trekkers heading from Mustang and Annapurna Circuit trail. Here visit the ancient Bon-Po monastery, which is very limited places of Upper Mustang and Dolpo region.
Bon-Po is believed to be older than Buddhism and is not represented by many monasteries these days. After spending some quality time in Lupra village, continue walk to Jomsom staying in the comfort of a nice hotel / lodges for an overnight. Get prepared for next day flight back to Pokhara.

Morning short walk to Jomsom airport for short scenic flight to beautiful Pokhara, during air-borne grand views of Dhaulagiri and Annapurna Himalayan peaks, as plane lands at Pokhara. From the airport transfer to your hotel by the Phewa Lake side. Pokhara a major tourist destinations in all Himalaya, a picturesque city overlooking views of massive Annapurna Himalaya with magnificent Machhapuchare Himal 'Fish Tail'. After checking into your nice rooms after lunch with time to explore around the lakeside of beautiful Pokhara.

Morning catching last views of Annapurna Himalaya with majestic Machhapuchare Himal or Fish Tail, and then transfer to Pokhara airport for smooth short flight to Kathmandu. Back in the hustle and bustle city life of Kathmandu after a great adventure and wonderful experience around
Upper Mustang & Muktinath Trekking.
Rest of the day at leisure for individual activities and shopping souvenirs or join in for short tour around places of great interest.

A free day in Kathmandu after near two weeks long marvelous trekking into
pure wilderness around Upper Mustang. Enjoy the day at leisure or join in for
another exciting tour of Patan and Bhaktapur cities, worth a visit while you are
in Kathmandu.

Last day in Nepal as per your international flight time, our staff and guide transfer you to the airport for homeward bound. After a great time and adventure around Upper Mustang & Muktinath Trekking.

Cost Includes

  • 01:All main arrival and departure transfer in private vehicles airport to hotel and vice-versa.
  • 02:Tourist standard hotels in Kathmandu on twin sharing basis with bed and breakfast only basis. (For single room supplement at extra costInterested people can request for 3-5 star hotel accommodation as per the trip cost provided.
  • 03:Sightseeing tour around places of interest with all entrance fees, with tour guide and private vehicle as size of a group.
  • 04:Domestic Airfare to Jomsom and back to Pokhara. Private Transportation before and after the trek from Jomsom to Jomsom as well on Tourist Coach or on private vehicles back to Kathmandu from Pokhara.
  • 05:All applicable Special trekking permits, with ACAP (AnnapurnaConservation) entrance fee.
  • 06:Full board trekking includes accommodation in local lodges on twin sharing basis. Includes 3 times meals B-L-D with afternoon snacks and refreshment.
  • 07:Wages, transportation, Insurance and meals for trekking guide, staff and porters.
  • 08:Welcome or Farewell dinner in Kathmandu.

Cost Excludes

  • 01: Nepal entry visa, personal Travel / Medical Insurance.
  • 02: Expenses of personal nature and meals in Kathmandu, like wise soft or hard
  • drinks, laundry, charging electronic items and hot showers on treks.
  • As well gratitude and tips for guide, staff and porters at the end of trek.
  • 03: Emergency Evacuation by private transportation or using helicopter service
  • if needed.
  • 04: Early return from the trek due to personal problem or sickness, the client
  • has to borne all extra expenses including of accompany staff. As well extra
  • nights in Kathmandu and medical bills.
  • 05: Personal trekking and climbing gear, sleeping bags, down jackets, trekking
  • duffel bags if not included on the trip cost. Including personal medical kit.

FAQ’S (Frequently Asked Questions):

01:Is Upper Mustang a Restricted Area of Nepal?

From Jomsom and Kagbeni onwards falls within the Restricted Area of Nepal, where visitors requires to obtain special permits with ACAP (Annapurna Conservation Area Project) entrance fees. But Muktinath, Kagbeni, and Jomsom are out of Restricted Areas.

02:When is the best time for Upper Mustang to Muktinath Trek?

The best time are spring from March to May, and autumn/fall begins from September to early November. These are the best times for pleasant walks and views but could get snowfall sometimes. Much colder morning and evening, nighttime, but with clear sunny most of the days.

03:What do we expect on these treks?

Walking ups and down with few flat section, walk into lovely nice villages adorned with ancient culture and heritage of Buddhism, visiting monasteries of great religious interest. Encountering friendly and cheerful villagers, cold morning and night time but with sunny clear days for excellent views of snow-capped peaks. Crossing above 3,950 m passes from one beautiful valley to another scenic area, truly an extreme adventure to experience. A complete wilderness trekking but a very scenic adventure. Enter the former forbidden walled Kingdom of Lo-Manthang, and walk to the holy site of Muktinath.

04:How high do we trek on this Trek?

The trek starts from Jomsom at 2,715 m then reaches above 3,700 m at Lo-Manthang and crosses the highest pass over Nyi-La Pass at 3,950 m of the adventure.

05:How are the foods, accommodation on Trek?

Accommodation in local lodges is simple but nice, clean and cozy but smaller rooms on leaving Jomsom and Kagbeni village. Having large warm dining rooms serves a comprehensive food menu from Continental, Chinese, Indian, and Tibetan to Nepal meals. Some lodges also provide fresh bakery items also. The primary preferred meal is Nepali Dal Bhat (boiled rice and lentil soup with seasonal vegetables and homemade hot sauce or mild pickle. The large group provides set meals to make it easier as well as to save time and fuel energy.

06:Is there hot showers and electricity to charge our electronic items?

Every village has hydroelectricity and solar, where trekkers can charge their electronic items paying a fee per hour per item set to the lodge owner. Yes, nearly all villages provide hot or cold showers and bathe with hot water in a large bucket—extra charge for using a hot shower and bathing.

07:Do we get internet services and Wi-Fi on these treks?

Nearly all main villages as far towards Lo-Manthang. But sometimes due to landscapes wise entering deep valleys and gorges where internet services could be obstructed.

08:When do we book for this wonderful trek?

To book with “Brown Bear Trails” minimum of one month or earlier the best. Sending your passport details, and advance payment with photo copy of Travel / Medical Insurance. Rest of the trip balance to be paid on arrival in Kathmandu before trek departures.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Upper Mustang & Muktinath Trekking
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From $ 2,650 $ 2,400
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